Saturday, May 8, 2010

from a full heart...

Tonight, I am thankful for good HEART friends... dear friends who just GET me. I only have to say one word (or not even one word), and she looks at me and says, "I understand." What a blessing... Thank you, Jesus, for friends.

And... so my dear friend and I talked tonight... and whenever we talk, Jesus is just there. He just is. It's like His presence fills the room and I'm reminded yet again that I really don't belong in this world... and that the most important relationship that I have is the one that I can't see. That the most important THING that I possess right now is this intangible, unpredictable Love that somehow lives in my heart.

I guess this is what real community is meant to do... help you to open up your heart so that you can see what's really there and so that it's available for Jesus to reach in and mold and change. I thank Jesus for people who love Him enough that when I spend time with them, I can't help but be pointed to Him too.

And I pray (and I know) that the good work that He's begun in our lives will just continue and continue... that no matter what the cost, we would continue to live remembering the world that is yet to come, the world that we REALLY are meant for... that we would cling to the most important relationship that we have, even though we can't see Him... and that we would embrace and be embraced by the Love that somehow really does live inside of us. Amen...

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