Thursday, June 30, 2011

a day with Henri

Today is my day off... and it is wonderful.  I love days off.  It is now 11:15am... and I have already done two great things so far-- I have slept in (yes!!) and I have made myself a real omelet with eggs right from a German hen, tomatoes straight from the garden, and real Swiss cheese.  It was great.

But my best plan for the day is still to come.  I went through a hard time this past year and was surprised to find an old friend join me on my journey.  For Christmas, I was given a book called The Inner Voice of Love, by Henri Nouwen.  I immediately started reading the book and was astounded by the way that he seemed to understand my story, share my sadness, and offer me beautiful hope.  I have clung to that book for many months... and I have been thankful for the author of it.

Well, during last weekend in the Alps, I picked up another Henri book and began reading the first few pages of Life of the Beloved.  I was amazed to find that during the writing of that book, Henri lived in a small city in Germany called Freiburg... and guess what?  It just so happens that the closest city to where I currently live is... FREIBURG!!  So today, in this great day off, I am going to drive to Freiburg and spend the day with Henri.  I know he is now dead, but I'm going to imagine that he isn't.  I'm going to picture him walking those old streets and imagine what life might have been like for him during the writing of that book.  And I might even find myself a cozy corner in one of the 3 Starbucks in that city and read more of his book.

I really believe that Henri Nouwen walked with God... God knows that I want to walk with Him too... maybe if I go to the city where Henri Nouwen actually walked... well, it might be pretty amazing.  Who knows how God might just show up?

OK, I have some dishes to wash and clothes to put away... but then it's off to Freiburg for me!


  1. Oh Henri!
    We are also huge fans. I got the same book you are talking about only for itto be taken and devoured by Adriana.

    Glad you have rest for your soul and identification with Nouwen.
    Keep us posted.

  2. i can feel in these posts that you are choosing adventure and hope and walking with God. you are not pulling away in tiredness and overwhelmedness (not a word). i'm proud of you and happy for me - these wonderfully romantic ventures of yours are such a treat to read.

    henri has loved me well too. tell him hi and that i love him back.

  3. you guys are great friends. i'm so glad that you're as excited about Henri and Freiburg as i am! =) i didn't run into him around any unexpected street corners, but i could totally picture him there. it's quite an enchanted, old city. i see why he loved it. i loved it too.

    have you read Life of the Beloved? i'm finding it pretty incredible. miss you guys!

  4. Read Return of the Prodigal's amazing!

  5. Shaina, you're the second person to recommend that book to me this week. I'm getting the message! =)
