Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Have I ever mentioned before that Jesus always seems to speak to me in airports? Oh my word, He does! I don't know if it's because my sense of adventure comes alive or what... but as soon as I enter an airport, something happens to me. It's sort of great, actually.

It happens when I'm not even leaving to fly anywhere! I got up today before the crack of dawn to pick up my former boss at the airport in Newark after her trip to Brazil. I was half asleep and had to stop at TWO different rest stops before I could find a Starbucks that was open!... but there was something really fun about being on the road before the sun even came up. I sort of felt like it was just God and me... and the rest of the world didn't exist. And then I got to go to an airport! Like I said, I don't even have to be leaving to fly anywhere... I just like being there.

Yesterday, I had some questions that I took rather LOUDLY and FEROCIOUSLY to the Lord. I'm coming to be so thankful for the fact that He doesn't mind my loud and ferocious prayers... in fact, I think He sort of welcomes them. Wow, what a cool thought. Anyway, I gave Him my ferocious thoughts yesterday and He accepted them... He did.

It was sometime this morning between having breakfast at a cool little place with my boss and driving home through the snowy little towns around where she lives... that I heard the still small Voice. I love when He speaks. The crazy thing is that I can be completely ferocious with Him, and He still responds gently to me. And then there's the times when I insist on quiet in a "leave me alone" kind of way, and He speaks to me ferociously because He knows I need to hear it. It's ironic. Anyway, this morning, I heard the still Voice, and I needed it. I so needed it. He said in His own way, "I've got you right where I want you, Beth."

Do you ever feel in yourself a perpetual rising anxiety that tells you that somehow you missed something and you're NOT where you're supposed to be? I think I'd like to label that as an Enemy attack on North American Christians. "You're not where You're supposed to be. You missed something. Figure it out. Do more. You're not doing enough, " he says. And on and on our endless gerbil wheels go.

But then Jesus speaks, "You're fine, child. You're right where I want you." And then there's peace. And oh, that peace flies in the face of the gerbil wheel... sends it far away. What a wonderful thing. Today, I cling to His voice and to His peace.

And now... I'm thinking it would be a very good thing for me to spend more time in airports. =)

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