Thursday, August 26, 2010

to the forest...

The forest is calling my name and has been for a LONG time... ever since I left the Black Forest, I guess. :) My dear friend and I are leaving tomorrow night for a whole weekend of camping, biking, hiking, swimming... all of the above and maybe more. Oh... I cannot wait.

There's something about the forest and the water and the sky and the STARS... that just makes me quiet down, settle down, "center down" (a term that I learned from a new friend) and remember what it means to REST.

I can already feel it coming... I checked the weather report and there's SUN all the way. Not a drop of rain in the forecast. :) Thank you, Jesus. And I just happened to have lunch today with an old friend who just happens to be a Jim Thorpe expert... she filled me on every place to go and the best trails to find. It's gonna be great. Oh... I cannot wait.

Ha... I just remembered with a smile that we have a tent that's missing a pole, a bike rack on my car that we don't know how to use, and WAY too much food for two girls to eat... I think we might have a few adventures ahead of us. :) Oh man, it's gonna be great!

Shoot... Jesus knew that He had to get away to hear His Father's voice. Don't I know it too... LIFE so often drowns out that still, small Voice... but how I NEED to hear it. So I go to the forest to listen, to enjoy, to be still. It's a beautiful thing.

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