Thursday, June 10, 2010

small things

Small things really aren't that small! OK, wow, I've seen Jesus' kindness in some cool, not-small ways lately.
  1. Dolphins! While on vacation in Ocean City with my family over the weekend, I was taking a walk on the beach one evening. It was quiet and I was listening to music, when I decided to sit down in the sand for a moment and take in the stillness. I looked straight ahead at the ocean and thought I saw a thing thrashing around in the waves. At first, I thought someone was drowning, and I was trying to figure out what to do! Then, I realized that I what I was seeing were FINS of DOLPHINS. They started doing their jumping-thing... when they leap straight out of the water and back in! It was incredible... I've NEVER seen dolphins before in Ocean City.
  2. Free gum! This might sound dumb, but to me it's not. While at the grocery store today, I almost bought Orbit gum, but I put it down at the last minute and grabbed the Stride blue kind (my favorite). I grabbed two packs... because I go through gum quickly. When I got up to the register, the kind lady said to me, "Oh, did you know that Stride is buy 2, get 1 free?" I didn't know! Then, she went and grabbed me a 3rd pack of gum... for FREE!!
  3. Kind people. I leave for Germany in about 5 days... and I've already received invitations from 2 complete strangers to have dinner with them during my first few days there. I'm watching as kind brothers and sisters are reaching out to me and already providing for my first meals overseas. Sometimes I forget that God goes before us and directs our every step... but He does. Oh, He does. I'm quite flabbergasted right now as I'm reflecting on that...