Monday, October 17, 2011

me and Andrew and Rich

Every once in a while I read Andrew Peterson's blog.  I don't have it saved as one of my "most visited" sites... so I guess I forget about it more than I remember it.  But ever since I deleted my facebook account, I've found myself spending more time on blogs.  So I deleted one website only to replace it with five others.  How ironic.  How incredibly funny.  I can't help but smile at myself.

So I visited Andrew's blog tonight... and I just happened to come upon one of his latest posts in which he wrote about Rich Mullins.  One of my favorite musicians wrote about one of his favorite musicians, who happens to be one of my other favorite musicians!  It was great.  It was beautiful.  He wrote about driving through the Tetons, listening to Rich, letting the music touch his soul, and remembering and worshiping the God that Rich knew... knows very well now.

My soul swelled... quite hugely.  In my heart, I joined Andrew and Rich in the Tetons, and the three of us sat there in the peaks and worshiped God together.  And they told me about the Jesus they know and I cried and I sat there with them and I said amen.  And we ran through the Tetons... them with their guitars and me running along behind them (because I don't have a guitar).  And we encountered Jesus there... and I came back a different person.

I know this really all happened only in my mind's eye.  I've never been to the Tetons and I've never met Andrew... and Rich, well, I'll have to wait til heaven for that.  But when Andrew writes about Jesus and Rich sings about Jesus, it's like I really do know them.  It's like I'm there in the Tetons with them.  I just get them.  I long for Jesus in the same way they do.  I echo their willingness to trust in a God who beats you up and then picks you up and puts you on his bike and pedals you home (check out Andrew's blog for that one).  But seriously, I willingly enter with them into the mystery of a God that you don't understand but somehow, you can't help but love.  And I love Him.  I really do.  Did you hear that, Jesus?  Sometimes I don't act like I love you, but I really do.

And one day, I'll go to glory and I'll sit in a circle with Andrew, Rich, and Jesus... and we'll sing.  Maybe in heaven, my voice will actually be good.  Anyway, it will just be really cool. I don't know what else to say about that one.  I just can't wait.

So I hope Andrew keeps writing.  I'll have to check out his blog more often... make it one of my "most visited" sites.  And I'll have to keep writing in my blog at 2am.  That's when my best stuff comes out... I have no idea why.  I was always meant to be a night owl, I suppose.  Well, when I do become a counselor, I'll re-arrange my schedule so that I can blog at 2am whenever I want to.  But for now...

...good night. =)


  1. this post drew me to rich's music, which i sit listening to now. as andrew said in his article, his songs rattle me to my bones. touches longing in me i didn't know was there and makes me want to know His God.
