Thursday, August 4, 2011

maybe someday...

...i will become a monk.  i know it is impossible, but please go with me for a moment here.  i'm finding myself drawn to monasteries lately.  monasteries!  who knew?  i've written about my recent adventures of searching for Henri Nouwen and his temporary monastery-home in Freiburg, Germany.  i met friars, visited chapels and confession booths, and wandered through gardens.

and today, i'm thinking about Mafra, the palace/monastery (Franciscan, i might add!) right outside of Lisbon in Portugal.  my dear friend Deb and i got to visit it last summer.  it's beautiful, breathtaking.  one of my favorite cousins is going to Mafra this fall with her new husband... it's been on my mind after talking about it with her.  i just read that Mafra, in the 18th century, was vying for the title "largest building in Europe."  it's a really, really cool place.

so today, in my heart, i am a monk and i live in Freiburg... or Mafra.  for just a few moments, i can put on my (imaginary) ceremonial robes and solemnly walk around my (imaginary) monastery and focus, center my soul.  this is why a part of my heart is drawn to the whole mystic/living in a cave thing.  i'm too much of a people-person to consider living in a monastery or cave for very long, but i do love the idea of being in a place where it's easy to be still and hear the voice of Jesus.  i know He speaks, and i long to hear Him.

tomorrow, i'm headed to Maine for a week.  not Freiburg... not Mafra.  i don't think i'll see any monks there, and i'm quite sure i won't come back one!  but it's beautiful... it's quiet... my mom and dad are there... and Jesus speaks.  i'm looking forward to spending some time with Him.


  1. deb, remember when we sat in the back seat of the car and wrote notes to each other just to keep our sanity?? ;) what a great and funny memory!!
