Saturday, April 24, 2010

Sweet victory (almost!)

The paper is half-way finished! This may sound like I’m being a little dramatic… but I’ve been having fun this weekend taking note of the blessings that have come my way as I’ve been facing the torture of this research paper. When my eyes are actually OPEN, it’s amazing what I see. Thank you, Jesus, for the simple things…

  1. Nana’s amazing grilled cheese sandwiches
  2. Ben and Jerry for their fabulous ice cream
  3. Dr. Bechtel for helping me to combat this nasty cold
  4. My momma who was actually home to come with me to the doctor’s office!
  5. The makers of Kleenex… I’m on my 12th box this week alone =)
  6. Wawa’s fantastic combo of French vanilla coffee and French vanilla creamer! Amen!
  7. Starbucks iced green and passion tea… the perfect balm for this sore throat
  8. My dear friend Anke for bringing me lunch and a cup holder filled with THREE of my favorite beverages… saved my Thursday! =)
  9. The awesome Gieselle for helping me find reference books
  10. Medford Starbucks, my home away from home
  11. The Daily Bible… for spurts of truth in between studying!
  12. Gieselle and Bekki for taking over the Camden ministry so that I can finish well…
  13. The Waltons, for comic relief
  14. Marti, my boss, for giving me Friday OFF
  15. iTunes… what would I do without you?
  16. My faithful friends… for their prayers =)
  17. Burlington County Headquarters Library—for when I just need a FEW more sources!
  18. The Mt. Holly cemetery, my respite
  19. Soundtrack from Narnia
  20. Dinner at the Red Lion Dinner with my grandparents, my momma, and an old friend
  21. Worship songs... for when my eyes just need to be lifted "up"

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