Thursday, September 1, 2011

once-in-a-lifetime friend

To a million heart-to-hearts, a trillion cups of coffee, and the greatest friend a girl could ever have...

"May the LORD bless you and keep you;
the LORD make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;
the LORD lift up His countenance upon you
and give you peace."

I'm deeply, deeply grateful for what's been and I look forward with excitement to what's to come.  With Jesus at the lead, I can't begin to imagine what the future will look like... I just know that you'll be in it!

Godspeed.  Go with Him... 


  1. My dear friend. Thank you so much. It was beautifully written. :o) You are the best friend and sister of our Lord that a girl could ever have. Love you Beth. :o)

  2. i am happy and sad for you in this moment. happy that you know such sweet friendship. sad that that friendship will not be as daily accessible as it once was. Henri has beautiful things to say about missing deep friends, you know? his wisdom has soothed me a many times of missing IL. i'll show it to you tonight :)
