Saturday, April 17, 2010

I have been LONGING to hear His voice...

I'm rounding out my final two weeks of the semester... ending with a bang-- a 15 page paper that I haven't quite gotten around to starting yet. Wups... And, class has been nuts. I suppose that when I signed myself up for a counseling program, I should have known that I was signing myself up for some discomfort. I just didn't realize how MUCH discomfort! And oh my word... the last few weeks have been VERY uncomfortable. No break in sight just yet... but SOON.

But pressure does something good to you too. It makes you LONG to hear the voice of Jesus and see His face. Sometimes, life tricks me into thinking that I actually can manage it on my own, but in the past few weeks, there's been no mistaking that I can't. And I'm seeing that there's blessing in that... because if I'm at the end of my rope, He's gonna have to catch me. And I know that He will... because He has so many times before.

So I stopped tonight and I looked up at the sky... and there were stars everywhere! I'm beginning to think that stars are one of the special little gifts that God has for me... because when I see them, somehow I feel like I see Him too. And you know... it's amazing. So I stop for a moment and be still and enjoy the stars... and somehow, somewhere, there's a still small voice that just reminds me that I'm loved. Even when I don't handle life's craziness well... even when I want to yell at my professor... even when I procrastinated with my 15 page paper... none of that stuff seems to stop my God from being the Dad who just wants to scoop His girl up in His arms. And I'm learning ever so slowly that this really is who He is. Oh... let me stay there tonight. And... I'll pick up with the 15 page paper tomorrow! =)

1 comment:

  1. yay! you figured it out! now i can follow you and never miss a post.... im so glad.
    love you.
