Saturday, December 24, 2011

unexpected grace

Today, I took a long walk about town.  My town is very old and historic... I love it. There's always something new to explore or find in my wanderings.  I am never disappointed.

So this morning, I left the house and headed out in town in search of some quiet.  Our house is very FULL these days!  Except it was freezing!  Absolutely freezing.  My down vest and mittens were not enough... but I was determined to take this walk.  So I rushed down the street, through the many blocks until I reached our neighborhood coffee shop.  I charged in, ordered my coffee, and received it gratefully.  Coffee in hand, I was in a much better--and warmer--place.

I don't know what it was--quite possibly the coffee (or the warmth!)--but I found myself beginning to slow down... slowing my steps, my thoughts, and my soul.  And when that happens, something changes in me--my heart begins to "center", my soul settles.  Quite suddenly, the eyes and ears of my heart fly open... and it's almost as if Jesus appears right in front of me.  That happened this morning.  I heard a voice... not words, but a voice.  I'll try to put words to what He said.

You're hungry.  Walk down a few blocks.  Try out that new bakery.

I don't know, Lord.  That bakery is near the bad side of town.  I never walk there.

Give it a try.  Enjoy.  You won't be disappointed.

So I walked toward the bad side of town, entered the bakery, and emerged with the very last apple streudel that bakery had to offer.  The first apple streudel I've had since my last trip to Germany.  I was transported to another world-- "ich mochte ein apfel streudel bitte."  And while this apple streudel wasn't nearly as good as the real German variety, I took that streudel as a gift from a God who must love me very much.  But He wasn't done... He spoke again.

Leave the main road.  Try some side streets.  It'll be fun.

Yes, I love side streets!... but I'm in the bad part of town.  I sorta think I should stick to the main road.
(meanwhile, Rodney Atkins' "Take a Back Road" is playing in my head) =)

Go for it.  Enjoy.  You won't be disappointed.

So I took the side street.  And before my eyes emerged a great gray steeple... and then a beautiful old stone church-- the Methodist Episcopal Church from 1790.  So old!  Then... next to it was a little red building with a small sign-- "historic one room school house, built 1790."  Of course, it's not in use these days... preserved for posterity, I suppose.  But I love history.  And I love stumbling upon landmarks that I didn't know existed... especially in my own community.  And these two were beautiful.  I stopped and I stared... I was not disappointed.  But then came the Voice again.

Keep going.  There's more.

I'd love to see more, Lord, but I'm in the bad part of town.  And I'm by myself.

You have your coffee.  You'll be fine. (I think He smiled when He said that).  Keep going.  Enjoy.  You won't be disappointed.  

So I kept walking--in the "bad" part of town--and I passed two neighbors.  One a little old man, and the other, a young man.  The old man turned to me, smiled, and said, "You look cold, little lady.  Make sure you warm up soon."  I smiled and said, "I have my coffee.  I'm fine."  (Jesus said it first!). ;)  The young man passed me and with a big smile said, "Merry Christmas!"  (not Happy Holidays)  Unexpected grace and neighborly kindness in the "bad" part of town.  I was not disappointed.  Then, I met Stan and his daughter Carly and their two sheltie dogs, Shilo and Howie.  I even got to pet those big puffs of fur... I loved it.

I love it that we just never know when Jesus will show up in the normalcy of our lives.  I was rushing, cold, and determined to get a cup of coffee before I turned into the female version of Frosty the Snowman... but then Jesus showed up.  And the next thing I know, I have an apple streudel, old church and school house, and friendly new neighbors.  He is so unexpected in His grace sometimes... it's quite beautiful.  He's quite beautiful.  Writing about it draws me to love Him more.  I can't imagine how big His heart must be.

Enjoy... you won't be disappointed.  Thanks, Lord.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


My old green sweatpants, Phillies sweatshirt, hair in a pile on the top of my head, reading students' papers, and Handel's Messiah in the background...

and out of nowhere I hear it--
unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon His shoulders... 
and His name shall be call-ed... 
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace

Some music is so beautiful... so beautiful that I don't know what to do with it... except listen and take it in.  It leads me to imagine heaven and all of the angels and every living creature singing around and to and for Jesus.
This is one of those songs.

Praise Jesus.  Tonight, in my room, in my end-of-the-semester exhaustion, as I mark papers... this song speaks peace to me.  For us, Jesus came and is here now as God with us.  That changes everything.

This Christmas, may peace continue to filter through our craziness and touch our hearts.  May we see Him.